Early Signs of Liver Disease you never ignored

Liver is the largest solid organ in the body.It is present in the upper part of the body just beneath the diaphram and on the top of stomach. It removes toxins from the body’s blood supply. It is helpful in protein synthesis and it store and release glucose as body . It mqke bile and Away waste and helps in the break down of the fats which are present in amall intestine during digestion. It also clears the blood of and the other harmful substances in the blood.
There are following sign of liver disease if anybody experience these sign he should never ignored and consult with the doctor.

Fatigue is the early and important sign to judge the liver.if a body has liver disease he will feel fatigue and tiredness during rest because liver has decresed in efficiency to detoxify waste and the amount of waste accumulate and cause liver damage.

2. Juandice:
Juandice is another early signs of liver disease. In juandicw the skin color chamge to pale yellow and eye color change to white because the liver completely fail to break bilirubin which is a yellow pigment formed by the breakdown of red blood cells. As a result bilirubin start ro accumulate in the body.

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3. Abdominal Pain or Swelling:
Abdominal pain in the upper right quadrant in the belly may be a sign of liver disease because when liver become fatty due to hepatitis or fatty material then this type of pain occur. It can cause feeling of fullness, bloating, and nausea.

4. Dark Urine and Pale stool
When the liver is not work properly it can alter the color of waste . Dark urine is an indicator of accumulation of bilirubin and pale stools are indicators of lack of bile which is very important for digestion. Liver produce a decwnt amount of bile which helps in digestion.

5. Itchy skin:
Itchy skin may be an early symptoms of liver disease because it occur due to the build up of bile salt under he skin. The itching can be persistant and severe with or without rashes on the body.

6. Nausea and loss of apetite:
It is vwry common sign pf liver disease in human. When the liver’s ability to detoxify the waste become less then the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed and a person has no will to eat anything.

7. Weight Loss:
Unexplained weight loss and muscle wasting is other sign of liver disease it occure when the body have inability to proper metabolize nutrients.

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These are the major early signs of liver disease if a person experience any of those signs for longer period he should consult his healthcare provider, and get medical attention. If these condition remain untreated it can be harmful and life threatning.

1 thought on “Early Signs of Liver Disease you never ignored”

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