Heart Healthy Home Based Cardio Exercises for Busy People

What is cardiac Health? 

Cardiac health is very important component of body. Now a days dua to busy schedule many people do not have time to spend at gym. For those people here best cardio exescises are recomended which are very easy and these exercise require no equipment at all. You can do these exercises at home and make your heart healthy and improve your ovwrall body health. It is necessary for every one to do 150 minutes exercise a week for better health.

Effects of exercises on body:

Exercise plays a vitol role in maintaining human health. Excercise improve the blood circulation in the body and make sure that the blood is circulating properly throughout the body.  It also reduce anxiety,  depression and other mental illness.  Exercise make your heart very strong and healthy. It also keeps active,  energetic and fresh througout whole day.    So if anybody want to enjoy a healthy life you should adopt these exercises in your daily routine after adopting these exercises you will see difference in your overall health and mood.                              Here we discuss some best exercises. 

1. Walking:

The most important and best exercise is walking. You should brisk walk 30 minutes a day to make your heart healthy. Best time for walking is in the morning and in the evening. You do not need any equipment for this exercise except a pair of shoes. This exercise not only improve your heart healt it also mqke you more energetic and active throughout the day.

2. Burpees:

Burpees is the 2nd most important exercise which you can do at home easily.
In burpees drop yourself into a squat position with your hand on the ground. Then kick your feet back and place your body in plank and keeping your arms extended.
Do a push up in this position.
After that jump your feet into the squat position.
Finally jump up in squat position. Repeat this exetcise 3 to 4 time

3. Jump Rope:

You can bring yourself into best exercise by jumping rope. It is the best cardio exercise at home and is recomended by many athlete and trainers. You need a rope for this exercise only.
If you jump rope for only 20 minutes it will burns 200 calorie. So try it daily at home or better health.

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4. Jumping Jacks:

Jumping jacks is another cardio exercise which might bring you the memory of your childhood.  Here are the perfect method of jumping jacks. Stand up straight with your arms at your sides. Jump up as you spread your feet wider than your and bring your arms so your hands almost clap together. Jump again to being your feet back together and lower your arms. By doing 15 minutes this exercise you can burns 150 calories. This exercise also improve your muscles health

5.Squat Jumps:

It is also the best cardio exercise which you can do alone at hone. In this exercise you start out in a squat and then jump up trying to jump as high as possible and then land back in squat position. But if you are beginner then you should be careful during this exercise it has high impact on your knees, so if you have knee injury then be careful.

6. Dancing:

In these days dancing is not limited to an art. It is best exercise to improve heart health and Muscle health. Dancing is best both physically and mentally. Physically means that every part of your body like hands, legs, hips, face, and arms are involved in this exercise. Mentally you remember the steps and move of dance so your brain also involved in this exercise. Dancing is also a pumping exercise for your heart because your heart pumps more blood to your body parts. So dancing is an excellent exercise which also keeps you active and healthy.

7. Stairs Running:

Stair running is another cardio exercise which you can do at home. Staire running help you to build strength and power in your lower body muscles and it also gets the heart rate pumping. You should adopt a regular staire run and interval staire run to burns more calories and improve the heart health.

8. Mountain Climber:

It is the advance exercise in which the whole body works espacially lower portion and heart also involves. To perform this start in a pushup position with right extended backward and the left leg near tthe chest with the toes on the ground. Keep your hand on the ground at your hip level and switch tje position on the legs very quickly. Continue to alternate the legs.

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Exercise is an essential component of your overall health and wellness of the body. If anybody want to keep himself active and energetic throughout the day he should adopt daily exercise. Without proper exercise your health and body become dull. But keep one thing in mind before exercising you should consult with a trainer and a doctor if you have any kind of injury.

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